Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The end of the world?

After two minutes since the earthquake began, I woke up and my house was moving from side to side. I was on the second floor, next to my mother, who also slept, and my father slept on the first floor (I don't explain why not sleep together). I hug my mom for the rest of the time when the earth is moved, and she told me to wait.

No doubt it was the epicenter, I thought. I was in Curico, city that devastated by the movements of the HAARP to break the communication. Residents take to the streets, and the silence that takes over for the rest of the week. Only a cell phone picks up radio signals, and there is a transmission of radio RTL(http://www.radiortl.cl/) . Thanks to this medium could inform us of the magnitude of the earthquake.

We try to communicate with my older brothers, one in Santiago and one in Chillan, we did around 7 am. New small earthquakes are moving but never left the house. Only the next day I came out to see what was happening in the rest of the city, and it seemed that a bomb had fallen on it.

I think there was a conspiracy behind this earthquake, earth movements are being caused by HAARP, if they do not believe me watch this video:


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hello, my name is David Avalos, student of Sociology in the University of Chile. I'm in the fourth year of the career, in which I have had good experiences of knowledge, but now I have the hardest part! ... the study of the English language. I prefer to learn the Huilliche language, typical of the people of my region, but the globalization compels me to write now on this site.

I created this blog to share views and links about the performance of Chile in the World Cup. I have 23 years old, and born in the city of Curico, a place that is beautiful for live, and i'm study in Santiago, an ugly city.

I'm studing now but in June, I stop in my work and I transform in the fanatic number one of the chilean team. I prepare to watch and comment the mundial of Sudafrica 2010.

I hope it's a nice experience!