Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I think that the privatization of the education is not a new issue on the Chilean educational system. In my opinion, I think those who are in the best universities are people who all his life studied in private schools, and they learn important elements to perform in the academy.

Unfortunately, the universities in Chile are different in relation to the quality of education they offer. For example, the traditional of the "Consejo de Rectores", have the best students, but these students come from private schools. In second, the private universities are not into "Consejo de Rectores", concentrated as many public school students, and their quality is lower because they have a low number of teachers and the equipment is precarious.

The privatization increasing in the final years, the public role of the universities is to provide opportunities for the poor students, only for this way everyone will have the same options to enter in the university. The performance of the students depend on the policies thinking about to the young people without money, but today this has to do with who invests more in education.

The Sebastián Piñera’s government include in the educational system only the best students and the education is a system that excludes and is not for all the people.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I’d like to visit…

Hello. I would like to visit a country that is very advanced in technology and its development is very important in the world economy. The country is China, a nation that has a high human growth. The development of its economy is very important and increases its technologies.

I ‘d like to know the culture of the past, the traditions about the Confucian religion, and the beautiful cities in that many people live. I want to visit this country for three years, because I like to see how the people can maintain their traditions when the technology progress.

I want to go to China with my friends who are interested in this subject, I think that my friends of university can go with me, because this country combines the old and modern world. I think that the feeding, clothes and the climate are more attractive than in Chile. At this moment I’m not savign money to go there.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My experience in the last semester

The things that I did in the last semester aren’t very exciting because my academic life would not let me do fun things, and I didn’t have much time to do what I wanted: sports.

Also, I hurt one leg, and this fact didn’t allow to practice my favorite sport: soccer. I put on weight, and my movements are very slow today. But the good thing of this fact is that it allowed me to study all the time the contents of my subjects, and my academic performance improved from that day until now.

I had time to study Sociology of Development, the Theory of Sociology, the Investigation about laboral conditions and the English program. I think that this semester is more difficult than the others, but my intelligence are increasing all the time (and my weight too).