Monday, May 31, 2010

Bielsa, follow your mechanical!!!

Chile in World Cup

It's time to start talking about one of my favorite topics, it is the participation of chilean team in World Cup. I think that the Chilean team fought with all weapons to get the classification to the second round, but the way is very complicated.

In general, because the opponents in the3 first games are teams who characterized by his technique and speed. Spain, has a game based on the intelligence of his midfielders, for example Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Xavi Alonso, Cesc and Silva, those that they created all the time passes for his forwards, and provoking that Villa (Valencia, Spain) and Fernando “er niño” Torres (Liverpool F.C., England) in a profitable position.

Switzerland, I think that it’s a rival with speed, his forwards play in constant movement and don’ t leave the defenders alone. Barnetta (Bayern Leverkusen, Germany), Hakan Yakin and Frei: they can surprise at any time. Honduras, a country with that Chile begins his participation in the championship, it’s that of worse. They aren’t the most intelligent players on the court but his advantage is his strength and his “pachorra”.

But the conditions of the players of Chile don’t have limits. Marcelo Bielsa orders that his players in a strategic form to the players, for example, they are allowed to move with speed and synchronized form along the playground. I hope that these boys don’t give juice. My ideal team that I think that Bielsa must use in the world cup is: 1- Bravo; 2- Ponce; 8- Vidal; 17- Medel; 6- Carmona; 4-Isla; 13-Estrada; 10-Valdivia; 15-Beausejour; 7-Sanchez; 9-Suazo.

Viva Chile!
A morir!

Monday, May 24, 2010



The best band! This band is special because it doesn’t have lyrics in his songs. The band is called "Jovenabuelo”, and the musical style of this band is post rock. I like this band because it shows the sounds for represent everyday situations: the band shows a powerful message of reflexivity, and my life stops to start this music.

Jovenabuelo born in 2004 in Santiago, the members of his band are: Sebastian Rivera (bass), Ignacio Cea (guitar), Javier Nacif (keyboards, synthesizers, guitar, melodica and accordion), Javier Hechenleitner (drums) and Sebastian Arriagada (visual). Now, the group are recording a new disc called "niño sol", in where they intend to continue of combine technique and art.

The musical influence of “Jovenabuelo” are unknow bands for example “congelador”, and famous bands for example “Pink Floyd”. I think that the proposite of this band is shows with images, a paradoxical concept of the ordinary world, to challenge the established order. For example in the video (see the link) you can see the situations that can only be interpreted by the content of sound.

For me, this bandis the best of all time, but Pin Floyd makes me doubt! If you want to see more bands of this kind of music, check out these links:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My favourite piece of technology

When i think about my favourite piece, i remember the buses of the company at witch my father is employed. I think that they are fabulous, because they have a system called "speed of cruise ", with which most of the time the bus hastens only.

It is a bus of two floors, with it is posible to transport 65 persons, this bus reaches a high speed in a few seconds, and stops rapidly in short distances. These buses have comfortable seats, thanks to them the travels become more agreeable, because they allow you enjoy more than space of the normal buses.

My father drives one of the buses, and the work makes him less weighed thanks to the great technology that it has, but the bus has some problems, for example, they have to happen for cracked ways, the road has obstacles to which it is necessary to be attentive.

Is for this that always I have liked to travel in these buses, because they are fast, and the safety and the comfort are exclusive. In addition, I travel gratis!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm admire...


This author is one of the classics of sociology. He was born in Épinel France in April 15 of 1858 and he died November 15 of 1917. His life is marked by the study of social facts, and he indicates that they are "things", that's relevant to the development of the sociology.

He's represents the structural funcionalism paradigm, a new school for social sciences. In her life this theoretical study social problems, for example the suicide, for to prove the regularity on the particular facts. With this he can think the society and he can to treat as a phenomenon distinct the psychological study.

I Like Durkheim because he changes the form of see the reality,
the social reality beyond the sum of individuals. Thanks to him, we can study the social regularity, by way of a structure. The things that are in society are regularities and constant!

The best gift on my life


I think that the gifts are important because they leave a memory. That's why I think the best present that I've received has been a thought written on a paper and I remember to this day, because contain a message: "Disease is the vice, because puts me in the service of a fantasy world."

I think every day we do things that are not important, that become in a vice, we all want things of little of durability, for example we are watching TV and talk about what it shows, we create a fictional world that satisfies us, and we act in agreement to what they say the mass media to us.

The person who gave me this phrase is a woman who must follow moderate and calm life, because she's not part of the trivial world. She's far from me at tihis moment, but I remember the things she did, unfortunately I haven't seen in years.

However, this message I've forgotten, and this day I'm part of the "age of desire", and I want to return to leave a moderate life. But, the only vice that neither she nor any other person may remove, is the football.

The best gift that I received in my life... wasn't material!